Basildon New Holland Plant hosts The Institution of Agricultural Engineers Annual Awards Ceremony
New Holland manufacturing facility plays host as The Institution of Agricultural Engineers (IAgrE) celebrate their member’s achievements CNH works in partnership with IAgrE and sponsors the Student Awards to encourage the next generation of engineers in the industry University students encouraged to apply for this year’s awards Attendees join the celebration as the Basildon Tractor […]
Innovation can help mitigate methane emissions, Lords inquiry hears
Farmers can take steps now to reduce methane emissions, and technology is in the pipeline to help them, UK Agri-Tech Centre tells Lords UK Agri-Tech Centre CEO, Phil Bicknell gave evidence to the House of Lords environment and climate change committee as part of their inquiry on methane. The UK Agri-Tech Centre has published reports […]
AGCO man is new President of the Institution of Agricultural Engineers (IAgrE)
Mark Moore joined AGCO (Massey Ferguson) in 1990 as a technical training instructor from Cranfield University where he obtained a 1stClass Honour's degree in Agricultural Technology and Management During the past 30 years plus Mark has worked in different roles including product development, where he was responsible for understanding the challenges faced by farmers and […]
Dealer day attracts has something for everyone from dealers to OEM’s and students
Following the annual Spring Meeting in Brussels, Climmar members took part in the second Dealer Day organised by Fedagrim. The Climmar Working Group for Education also met to discuss future developments in European cooperation for vocational education. At the even Climmar’s President Rinaldin presented certificates to commend the outstanding work done by some Climmar members […]
How to Limit the Spread of Broad-Leaved Dock
Broad-leaved dock is a problematic weed in permanent meadows and pastures A European study led by Agroscope highlights the risk factors and recommends preventive measures Broad-leaved dock (Rumex obtusifolius L.) is a widespread problematic weed in intensively managed meadows and pastures in Switzerland and other European countries. The species outcompetes the forage plants and reduces […]