2025 EurAgEng Award nominations open
The nominations have now opened for the 2025 EurAgEng Awards.
The EurAgEng Award of Merit- Innovation into practice. is typically presented to someone with an outstanding research record in agricultural engineering and who will have made a major contribution to Scientific Understanding that has been recognised internationally by others in research, extension, and/or commercial development and practice.
Nominations can be made using the form here http://eurageng.eu/meritaward
The EurAgEng Recognition Award acknowledges personalities who represent the European idea of EurAgEng in a special way and promote it to the professional public.
EurAgEng owes a huge debt of gratitude to the many people who have given time, energy, and enthusiasm to the Society in many different ways.
Candidates for this award, which is handed over at the AgEng24 conference this year can be provided at any time by sending an official letter, nominating the candidate, and a CV of the candidate, by email to the EurAgEng secretariat at secgen@eurageng.eu.
The nomination deadline for both awards is 12 noon on Friday 25th April 2025.
Pictured is Dr Tim Chamen (L) being awarded the EurAgEng Award of Merit – Innovation into Practice for developing and promoting controlled traffic farming (CTF) as a practical farm-scale tool for avoiding compaction damage to soils in November 2023 at the LAND.TECHNIK-AgEng2023 conference in Hanover, Germany.